Speeding up Addressable Assets Loading
Are you using Addressable assets in your project? Is loading very slow, especially while pressing Play in the Editor?
Make sure you are loading a list of Tasks and running them in parallel instead of individually waiting for each Task to finish.
// get locations of all Addressables
var locations = await Addressables.LoadResourceLocationsAsync(label).Task;
// this list will store all the tasks
// NOTE: change AudioClip to the type of object you will be reading e.g. TextAsset, GameObject (for Prefabs), etc.
List<Task<AudioClip>> loadAudioClipTasks = new List<Task<AudioClip>>();
foreach (var location in locations) {
// queue up all the tasks to be run in parallel
// load all the assets - each task will run in parallel
var loadedAssets = await Task.WhenAll(loadAudioClipTasks)
foreach (var asset in loadedAssets) {
Debug.Log("Loaded " + asset.name);
NOTE: You can also put the WhenAll directly in the foreach() loop to avoid creating another temporary variable.